
May 22, 2009 16:27

So lately I have been thinking about things I want to do with my life. I mean, I really want to do things that not everyone has done, you know? I don't think I'll ever be well-known or famous or anything like that, but I'd like to be interesting. Even if just to my family and friends... and myself. I want to look back on my life and say: Well that was kinda fun!
So including the entry about the traveling I'd like to do I also want:

Get my pilot's license
bungee jumping
sky diving
Touch the Hollywood sign
See the Pope - Hopefully while riding in his Popemobile (It would be a cool thing to be able to tell other people)
Ride an Elephant (while in India... yeah...)
Swim with Dolphins
Parabolic flight (experience weightlessness! Although it's also called the vomit comet...)

I'm sure more will be added to my list when I find out that they exist!

Things I've done that I'll remember forever:

- Parasailing in Hawaii (scary when you think how easy it would be to die, but also awesome because you can see FOREVER from that high!)
- Whale watching and having a humpback whale swim under the boat, while another does a magnificent jump out of the water in the distance
- Having a wild monkey sit on my shoulder while visiting Gibraltar
- Traversing through the caves of Gibraltar before reaching a cavern where an orchestra (yes that's right) is playing.
- Riding on a motorcycle (seems uneventful, but is really quite cool!)
- Dolphins riding the bow of the boat I was on in Hawaii. The boat was small so I could see everything. There was even a baby dolphin with it's mom!


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