I have obtained some new rats, and, as always, lost one too :(
I got given a tiny, PEW girl a while ago from a member of the public who said she bit. She'd actually thought it was a buck, originally. The rat had apparently sent the 3 year old son to A&E through biting. The owner wanted to either release her into the wild, because, in her words, 'they're basically wild animals anyway and can survive.'
Failing that, she'd called the vet to arrange to have her PTS, and they gave her my number.
I picked her up, and she was about a year old, and blind. This is likely why she bit. Imagine being blind, asleep, and having some 3yr old grab ahold of you suddenly. I think I'd bite too.
I got her home, and she was utterly unused to being handled, very squeaky when you tried to touch her. She did nip, but nothing serious at all, and within a day or so, I could pick her up and blow raspberries on her belly. It was just a matter of being aware that she was blind, and letting her know where you are before you just grab her.
I named her DeLorean. Unfortunately, I had her for only a couple of weeks, and never got to take a photograph of her. She began to show signs of a pituitary tumour, which progressed over a couple of days until it was pretty conclusive that this was what was wrong. I had her put to sleep, as she couldn't eat by herself, and was clearly not happy anymore.
It was a real shame, since she had just started becoming a normal rat, with the chance to live with other rats :(
I also have two new boys.
They are called Costas and Stavros, and both came from another rescuer. They'd originally come from a horrendous 'petting zoo' where they were kept in tiny, filthy tanks, not cleaned, and over-crowded. There were 15 rats total taken from the place. From what I have been told, they were out in the elements without protection from wild rats either, and all rats were horribly skinny, had wounds, mites, and some were too ill to be moved from the location entirely :(
The petting zoo was going to put them in the freezer as snake food. Can you believe it?
The other rescuer got them out of this situation, and kept them for a few weeks before I offered to take them. They were both so scared of people, they'd scream whenever anyone even went towards them. These are rats that have been horribly abused/neglected.
They both have permanent lung scarring and will have respiratory flare-ups for their entire life due to the amonia fumes they've been forced to breath in for their whole life.
These rats are thought to be anywhere from 6months old to one year old. Thats it.
But they look ancient. They are, however, doing very well. They've both put on weight, their coats are gradually improving, and they're now much better to handle. They're still timid, and I can tell they don't 100% trust me yet, but they're getting better all the time.
Costas is actually a bit of a live wire, quite pushy, and full of beans. He acts like a young rat, which backs up that he isn't that old. Stavros is a lot more mellow and likes to keep himself to himself. Costas explores while Stavros sleeps!
I've had them almost 2 weeks now, and today tried to intro them with my other boys. Costas is a very dominant rat, but meeting that many other lads seemed to scare the crap out of him and he turned into a complete wuss!
Costas and Stavros's first night here.
Reggie and Bowie eating egg mayonaise. I don't usually give them such things, but it is a special treat.
Reggie is pleased with your offering
Ada had an op a few days ago to remove two lumps, hence her shaved bits!
Dara. I've taken to calling him durr-hurr lately because he's so absolutely dim.
Stavros and Costas
I love how Henry is just pushing Stav's head down.
Your box of rat has arrived! I love how Dara is once again squished right underneath. I have so many photos of just his fat little mug jutting out from under a pile of arses.
Lovely Bowie. I don't know how he keeps so white!
I took this photo just as Bunty went to leap onto Aggie, and Aggie leapt up towards me!
Costas is a very dominant rat, but was quickly put in his place by Henry. This seemed to really take him by surprise. As such, he ran to me, got onto my lap, and just huddled there. This was fantastic, because its the first time he's come to me as his friend. He's been quite timid and flighty up to now, but he just lay on my lap for ages. It shows that he sees me as a place of safety, and its really nice.