Title: The Memories Obscured [Your Silent Tomb] 1 / ?
Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing/Characters: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Raven Darkholme, Emma Frost, Hank McCoy, Alex Summers, Sean Cassidy, Sebastian Shaw, others.
Rating: NC-17
Content: Silent Hill AU
Word count: 1168
Warnings: Major character death (in the past), detailed description of
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This is absolutely gorgeous so far, bb! Erik's pain and guilt and that brimming anger - it all bleeds off the page and gives me those wonderfully creepy Silent Hill feels that hurt so good.
I can't wait to see where you go from here! You are awesome.
Oh my gooooooooood!! Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you like it!! Chapter 2 is in betaing phase ATM :D
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