Dec 05, 2012 09:10
a certain person called Joyce, whom I might say i really treasure as a friend,
reminded me of something the other night.
"you were a strong and independent person", she said.
in the midst of all the things that had happened, I forgot what kind of a person I was.
I used to be able to turn my head away from anything that will hinder me.
but slowly, I forgot that I could.
I allowed anything and everything to eat me away.
It was a major fail, I would say on my part.
I want to thank you Joyce, for reminding me that, well basically I am me.
I won't allow things to ever eat me away again.
I shall turn my cheek away from what will hurt me.
I will grow stronger and rebuild my wall, slowly, but surely.
Time will erode almost everything, but the principles you hold on to.
Thank you Joyce, for being a friend, a pillar and sort of a slap to my face.