
Feb 24, 2022 20:41

10 x BTS
10 x Denise Chaila

for somein30

These were all for round 15 at somein30. I went for extra hard mode which means that every icon had to take inspiration from some part of the challenge inspiration post. As an added layer to myself I made the subject matter music related by iconning two of my current obsessions: BTS and the incredible and indomitable Denise Chaila.

This challenge was SO MUCH fun! I really could have continued on with another 20 icons with music themed subject and don't even get me started on the absolute Pandora's box that would have opened if we start adding other fandoms to this mix. Restricting myself to iconning musicians was for my own sanity 😂.

Hover over icon for genre, name of the person and inspiration

1 - 5

6 - 10

11 - 15

16 - 20

~ If you liked these then please watch/join the community.
~ resources (this list is kinda extensive so if you want to know where I got something then just ask. I save all my psds and usually credit the makers in them :))
~ Please credit tiptoetwirl at rafanatical
~ Also, concrit is very, very much appreciated. Let me know what you like but, more importantly, let me know what you didn't ;D

musician: bts, graphics: icons, musician: denise chaila

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