(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 20:14

I figured I'd go ahead and change my user picture since Opening Day is Sunday. GO YANKEES! =]

So, if anyone really cares about the thing I asked you to pray about in my last entry, here it is. (I didn't want to say anything until everyone at the Day Care knew!) Starting in May I will be the Assistant Director of Tennessee Avenue Day Care. I had a meeting with Bro. Joe last Thursday and he asked me to pray about the position. He told me there were two other people interested in the job, but the Director wanted me to come back to the Day Care. I feel blessed that they even thought of me considering I haven't been there very long. I have only been there since August. He felt strongly about asking me about the position. He wanted someone in there with an administration degree. He sent out this letter to let everyone know. It was a very good letter. I was very shocked on how how many compliments he and the others had written about me. I am blessed! I told him my only concern was people would get mad at me for taking the position since I haven't been there very long. He told me to put that at rest because if they had a problem, he would take care of it. He told me that he and the other Director had to do what was best for the children.

Of course I was giving it to God. Where he wanted me to be, is where I would go. There was a lot of praying and discussion with this decision. I've always felt that I had to make "this amount of money." I wanted to make this much and I had to have this much, blah blah blah! But, finally I realized this: It doesn't matter how much money I have, I will be serving in a place where GOD wants me to. I will be working with children along with using my business degree and best of all, witnessing to people who may be lost. What more could I ask for?

The other night the Devil had me up all night. He kept telling me I wasn't worth even being thought about for the position....you made the wrong decision...you will get eat alive! He was trying to break my spirit. But, when I know God has placed me in that position for a reason, the Devil can try all he wants, he will not break me!

Please continue to pray that the transition in May will go smooth. =]

But, there's my news for the week. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. Ricky and I are going to spend Saturday afternoon in J.C. I've gotta get an Easter dress and we are going to go look at cars. Speaking of Easter, our church is putting on an Easter Musical/Drama on April 14, 15, 16 at 7:00. I invite EVERYONE! I will post again about it when it gets closer. It will touch many hearts! It touches mine everytime we practice!

Everyone have a blessed weekend. It's going to be BEAUTIFUL!

In Christ,
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