Whoo! Amination! I'm mad these pics aren't showing up on LJ (and I have a timer set so I can't spend ALL OF TEH TIME on Tumblr, which is probably a good thing) but YAY RAEVEART on LJ!!
do you use twitter or instagram? i post my art and WIPs on those too. and they are for art posts ONLY. which means you get to skip my constant stream of yelling and crying about superheroes from my tumblr blog that way. ;)
I don't use Twitter or Instagram, but I can turn your Instagram into an RSS feed, so I may just do that! Guess I need your Instagram handle! Oh, and do you know if any good desktop Instagram clients? I wouldn't mind having an account there myself! But I have a caveman phone *proudly!*
thank you for understanding my wish to focus on the art more than the weeping. X3
as for desktop clients, i dunno. i tried downloading one awhile back before i got my new phone but it wasn't compatible with my ancient computer/operating system.
I'm mad these pics aren't showing up on LJ (and I have a timer set so I can't spend ALL OF TEH TIME on Tumblr, which is probably a good thing) but YAY RAEVEART on LJ!!
do you use twitter or instagram? i post my art and WIPs on those too. and they are for art posts ONLY. which means you get to skip my constant stream of yelling and crying about superheroes from my tumblr blog that way. ;)
Oh, and do you know if any good desktop Instagram clients? I wouldn't mind having an account there myself! But I have a caveman phone *proudly!*
thank you for understanding my wish to focus on the art more than the weeping. X3
twitter handle is also luckyraeve.
as for desktop clients, i dunno. i tried downloading one awhile back before i got my new phone but it wasn't compatible with my ancient computer/operating system.
looks like RSS feed is probably your best bet. :D
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