“Of Tragic Robo!Hipsters and Blind Catholic Ninjas"
SURPRISE! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, ha ha! I swear I didn't forget about LJ, I've just been busy and too lazy tired during my free time to type up an art spam post...for the past 8 months straight. *facepalm*
But anyhoo, grab a drink and a snack, it's time to recap.
Rewind to early last December (2014)...
My muse wanted sci-fi (for wharever reason *shrugs*) but still wasn't finished with the tragedy that is Steve Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes, so what better way to satisfy these cravings than to create a horrible AU where both Steve and Bucky are captured and turned into Winter Cyborgs / Hydra Terminators / Robo Hipsters.
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
The entire concept is a blend of Winter Soldier, Robocop, Terminator, and even a little bit of Universal Soldier thrown in for the lulz. Their exo-skeletons / armor (except for the arms, of course) are loosely based on
Robocop’s armor.
Their endo-skeletons are Terminator-influenced, although, they still have their hearts and lungs and blood vessels to keep their heads alive, which again is influenced by
this scene in Robocop. *WARNING for body horror*
Here's another drawing which shows a little of that endo-skeleton.
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
[RoboHipster haircuts INTENSIFY]
At this point (late December / early Jan 2015), the ever lovely
monicawoe decided to join me in my trash pile of robots & despair and she wrote this brilliant little story --->
'System Override' (I'm still flailing about it 8 months later :D).
It would seem that art inspired by art in turn inspires MOAR art because her story then inspired me to write a ficlet to accompany a soundtrack I was putting together for my bleak robo AU.
'OPERATION_ECLIPSE' - (a.k.a. Winter Cyborgs MIX Vol.1)
Download the mix]
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
Moni's use of server logs to tell a story in 'System Override' was just too cool not to try it out myself. The amount of FEELS this writing format generated was very surprising to me. I was soooooo not expecting the reaction that it got. <3
Okay, backtracking just a tiny bit here, while I was still working on 'REPAIR_MODE', my hand slipped and I started another Winter Cyborgs drawing...
Tumblr post is
This was going to be a stand-alone drawing. My plan was to make this the album cover for Winter Cyborgs Mix Vol.1 (which was only a song list at the time), BUT THEN 'Systme Override' happened which then influenced me to turn my soundtrack into 'Operation Eclipse' AND THEN my muse decided NO! I am no longer satisfied with stand-alone drawings, not after 'System Override' and 'Operation Eclipse'. I DEMAND COMICS! *facepalm* Muse, NO! Just no.
Fast forward to several days of arguing with myself later...and yeah, I started a damn comic which centered around the above unfinished drawing.
Fast forward again to two months + a fuckton of work later and here's the finished product, which is a prequel to the events of 'Operation Eclipse'.
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
here (recommended for fullsize panels + easy scrolling).
Both the Tumblr and DA posts contain backstory for this AU which I don't feel like copy/pasting here since this post is already too long and I'm not quite done spamming yet.
And now a short break for more personal stuff...
Shortly after this comic was originally posted (beginning of March 2015), the bank loan I'd been living off of for a year was almost depleted and my small art contracts just weren't paying the bills, so I had to finally abandon my life's goal of being a working artist. *sigh* I tried, guys. I tried for years. I really did. Now I guess I know it's just not meant to be. *cries forever* I'm glad I managed to make some of my best drawings before starting my new life as an office worker though, so there's that, I guess. I shall continue to draw, I can't help it. I hope that I can find a good balance between my day job and my hobby and that I can make art a little more frequently than I have been for the past 4 months.
I managed to draw one more Winter Cyborgs thing since starting my day job. Listening to all that robomusic while drawing 'MEMORY GLITCH' inspired me to do another soundtrack (no ficlet this time tho).
'Winter Cyborgs MIX Vol.2'
Download the mix]
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
*pokes you all with a stick* Are you still reading this? Yes? Good, cuz I have one more thing. :D
Back in April, a little Marvel tv show called Daredevil took over my life. I love this show like you don't understand. Nothing has punched me in the FEELS quite so hard since the Agent Carter series from this past January (and also Captain America: The Winter Soldier which came out last year *see above for the damage that did) and I just...I was not prepared for this to happen again, but here we are.
Anyway, here's Matt Murdock in the black suit because I fucking LOVE that black suit.
# matt ‘i tripped and fell while taking out the trash’ murdock
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
I thought about saving Matty for a future spam since I'm already drawing another Daredevil piece but who the hell knows how long it'll be before the next spam, so yeah. *shrugs*
Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed this ride and thanks for reading. <3 Oh, and if anyone wanted to see the Winter Cyborgs saga evolve in chronological order,
here's the tag for that at my Tumblr.