“Of Super Soldiers and Half-naked Gods of Mischief"
HAI! Long time no art spam! :D
So, as most of you know, I was too preoccupied with life stuff to make proper time for arts at the beginning of the year.
For awhile I was concerned I'd fallen out of love with art, BUT THEN, back in April, a little film called Captain America: The Winter Soldier hit me like a ton of bricks and pulled me out of my artslump right quick. XD
Apparently all I needed was an extremely high dose of character FEELS to get my brain working again. So many Cap feels and Widow feels and Fury feels and Falcon feels and PEGGY FEELS OMG PEGGY!!!
And then, there was the feels I was not prepared for...the BUCKY FEELS! I knew damn well the Winter Soldier was Bucky Barnes before seeing the film, but it did absolutely NOTHING to help me cope. ;A;
So anyhoo, I HAD TO DRAW SOME STUFF or risk exploding.
Most of you have seen these already (since I am super late in posting them here), but hopefully you'll enjoy them all again anyway. :D
First up is my fave undercover hipster duo:
'Capster & Bee Dubbs'
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
I mean, how cute were these two trying to blend in at the mall? *pets them*
Next is that adorable little brainwashed assassin of my heart:
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
At first I hated all the detail on his body armor because ARG DETAILS, but then I fell in love with it because look at it! It's totally rad and badass! *swoon*
And last but not least, is a half-naked Loki based on Loki's most recent incarnation in his new solo comic series Loki: Agent of Asgard.
'Tuesday Nights'
Tumblr post is
here. DA post is
here. *Go to either the Tumblr or DA post for more explanation on this drawing.
This was drawn for my Marvel!Bro (a.k.a.
Nimloth87)'s birthday. It is 100% her fault that I am OBSESSED with Marvel comics, so I torture her every year by drawing her a Loki for her b-day. *cackles*
Well, that's all for now. If you're up-to-date on my Tumblr blog, then you know my June spam is gonna be a BIGGUN. Soooooo much CA: TWS stuff...maybe too much CA: TWS stuff...NAH, no such thing as too much CA: TWS stuff. XD
See you at the end of the month, kids!
Rachel :D