Jun 15, 2004 18:07
i am so incredibly pissed off right now, its not even funny.
so noblood, vince, ben, jess and all them are off at the river, which is no problem. i, personally, dont care, since i have to stay here all night anyway. they're having fun. i wish i was there...dammit. i miss jess. but thats besides the point.
heres the thing.
and before i start, id like to point out that jess had no involvement in this, hell, she probably doesnt even realize that all this happened. she's cool, and even she wouldnt have let this happen to him. so here goes.
they completely blew off mike this afternoon, when he invited them to all come over and hang out with him, to which they responded they would. so, they never went over, and left him there waiting all alone, and he called back a few minutes before his driving lesson and they were playing magic and forgot. im sorry, but thats really fucked up. i mean, look.
i know mike has done some fucked up stuff before, and all of us are a little pissed off at him, me being probably the most. but you know what? hes our friend. he invited you guys over, and you agreed. how can you do that? he really wanted to hang out with you guys, and i dunno about you, but i, personally, dont want to lose one of my friends.
he misses us, people. i know there were times when you cared about him, and i still do. hes one of my best friends, and hes come clean to me about a lot of things. hes a person, he makes mistakes. but completely fucking blowing him off is a stupid, immature, irresponsible thing to do.
do you guys realize he is considering STOPPING hanging out with all of us? like...cutting off all ties? he thinks we all hate him and are out to get him, and i dont think any of us hates the kid, we were just mad. a while ago. isnt it time to just...stop? i mean, we're all gonna be mad at him for a long time for what he did. its unforgivable, but i dont think we should cut him out of things we do, and we should all stop being complete and total asses to him. i mean, the only one who deserves to be pissed off at him still is jess, so why are you all cutting him out, humiliating him, and making any time he spends with us seem like we're out to get him?
another thing. truth or dare. you all forget how good mike is at hiding stuff. he HATES truth or dare. ABSOLUTELY HATES IT. we got him good, we humiliated him badly to the point where we stripped him of his wanting to hang out with us AT ALL. we got him, we took his pride, we embarassed the hell out of him. so STOP.
we're all victims here, we know that. we've all been jerked around in some way, some of us more than others. but has anyone stopped to think about how much WE are jerking HIM around? none of you know this, but he's been brought to the point of tears by all of our antics. ive seen tears in his eyes when he talks to me about all the stuff that's been going on in our group, though you all know as well as i that he'll never admit it. so im...done. i feel we have gotten him back. i refuse to be mean to the kid anymore, we've dragged him through enough. if you'd pull the veil of blind hatred form your eyes and talk to the kid, you'd realize he's trying to redeem himself. so why must this continue any farther?
oh...and jess. he will talk to you soon. i had a long talk with him today. if he doesnt tell you why, talk to me later. ill tell you, since i have the okay from him to tell you if he chickens out. i think you'll be happy to hear this.
i think we all should be ashamed of ourselves on some level, not excluding myself. so why dont we let him try to redeem himself, clean up his act, and get back to some good ol' tournament and dork nights once again? get rid of all this stupid crap and have fun again.
*huge breath*
once again, i apologize in advance for anyone who gets pissed off at me because of this. im mad.
*another breath*
talk to y'all later. peace.