Dec 29, 2006 13:59
Y'know, I ran out of sugar this morning. I knew I needed to get some yesterday, and I was off work, but I didn't. In fact, other than getting a final sketch done for a commission, I did nothing too much productive yesterday. XP Today will be fine though.
So yeah. Melting chocolate into your coffee to sweeten it? Well, it tasted like BAKERS chocolate. XP Lesson learned. Ah well, held my nose and downed it. Hurray caffeine! (I'll just pick up a Red Bull on the way to work anyway.)
Also, I've been playing Diablo II and I'm happy to say, I've managed to make the Werewolf ROCK. If anyone's interested in reminiscing a bit and hopping on US East closed Battlenet with me, lemme know. :) I'll deck you out with some low level rares. (Also, Arty, get your Assasin caught up already so I can play my Paliden with you again! That was fun, but you fell behind. XP Also, I should soon be able to play my Druid with your lightning Sorceress. Cause yeah. He's at like +80% walk/run speed, +80-90% attack speed with Feral Rage going at full strength, has like 200 hp, heals hp super fast with Carrion Vine and life steal both from Rage and equipment, and does 30-120 damage per hit with a 600+ Attack Rating. XD Insanity. He's so fast I can barely keep up with him, and I'm playing minionless. Btw, is there a way to dismiss a mercenary? I don't want my bowazon merc anymore. :x )
Oh, and there's a wonderful sense of lightening when you realize that you're not under any current or projected financial stress. ^_^
diablo 2