Title: Moon Struck Pairing: Seungho x Cheondoong Rating: NC - 17 Summary: Changsun and Chulyong have been trying for months to get Seungho hooked up with someone.
I feel really late to comment... but this is one of my favorite pairings, and it is so hard to find someone who writes a smut with the "sweet and innocent Sanghyun."
Don't ever feel late to comment on anything of mine. I'm honored enough that you decided to read it. Besides "sweet and innocent Sanghyun" is growing up.
I'm pleased you like it. I'll be sure to write more Seungho/Cheondoong in the future.
When ever someone writes something about this band, they usually say they will write any pairing unless it has Sanghyun. He's my favorite in the band and I can barely find something with him in it. When I do I really like it though.
Thanks for writing this! I really liked it.
I'm pleased you like it. I'll be sure to write more Seungho/Cheondoong in the future.
This story was so well written!
I will be looking forward to it. (:
And thank you. I did have a bit of trouble trying to make this flow.
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