busybusybusy. soon i may have a website up again. this time to my own domain name. oh yes.
must remember how to design. RAR. @_@;
cody says if i host him he'll pitch in to buy the hosting package. if he does, then i can afford to get more space and bandwidth. charles says this is good as i'll be getting lots of traffic if he goes pro again and i host his site.
oh, happiness. ^_^
i also made up with the gf. i still don't know what's wrong with me, but just being able to tell her what i've been thinking without her calling me crazy has made me feel loads better. i've decided that it's far too easy for me to forget why i bother myself with people. i'm glad she reminded me. <3
someone give me (serious) suggestions for a domain name. i need to know before i can even design a new layout and i need to have a site ready before i can buy the domain.
also, i win. because of the following:
it's x:wp. it's slash. i made it. worship.
time to scamper.