ok, so i finally made it into the queue...all i had to do was stalk it all day refreshing every 5 minutes. literally. i did this for four and a half hours. it is very, very sad. @_@;
BUT! ...i will now be sorted. ^_^ and i am well pleased.
in other news, tomorrow evening will be teh fun, monday is sacrosanct this week (for complete and absolute awesomness), and someone needs to remind me to make the sausage cheese dip for the pot luck on saturday. @.@;
How to make a raesh
1 part mercy
5 parts brilliance
5 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.comthat's right folks, you heard it here straight from the horse's mouth. brilliance. XD