Dec 29, 2005 14:06
Went to the lovely Chrystal's place for her party last night. It was quite good, nothing much happened, we just sat around talking. Joel and i now have the shit ripped out of us because of what he apparently did to Mama Jo's front lawn. I can safely say i don't understand how damage was caused, we were just laying out there. He is now called Bindi, because of the burrs that were stuck to him and myself. Thank god i was pretty drunk.
Learned some disturbing news in relation to that event. To the extent that someone was apparently watching us that night, and was doing all sorts of things to herself while watching. This is very, very disturbing, because we didn't really do anything... But who am i to question. The whole voyeristic thing doesn't really do anything for me. In fact, it seems extremely disturbing.
I spent the night over at the boys place. Its good, i get showered with praises and kisses. Its just so strange, he seems to think the same also. Its just comfortable, and it feels like this has been happening for ages, yet it really really hasn't. We are so much the same, in a lot of ways, and that scares me too. I've never met someone i can be so completely honest with, and it is because he is pretty much the same as me. We act the same, are completely random, love the same music, have the same sense of humour, have similar heritages...Its kinda freaking me out in some ways.
But yeah, i'm heading out to see some sales with my Laura this afternoon. Coffee and a chat will be quite nice about now.