Nov 17, 2005 03:11
Okay so tonight I finally figured out how it works. When people tell you to talk about your problems because it will help they are right. More than half of the time it seems that it doesnt work because there is a key element that is frequently left out. The only time it works to talk about your problems when you dont need feed back and advice is when you are talking to some one who really cares. Really think about it. What good is a sponge if it doesnt make contact with a spill. The spill is still there and the danger of someone getting hurt remains because the sponge wasnt applied properly. Now when there is something wrong and you need to talk you [spill] your thoughts and when you are talking to someone who cares they open up their hearts and [soak] up your words. The words and the pain has some where to go and the danger of [hurting yourself or some one else] is no longer there.Opposed to someone who just barely lends you their ear and the mess falls to the floor and creates a bigger danger. It is a feeling that I have not felt in a long time. So thank you for listening to me with your heart tonight and taking in my anger and pain. For once in a long time i feel relived and not like I just dumped my burden on you.I will be able to sleep. I hope that we can do this again soon. I only pray that it is happier news that we share next time. Although confusion isnt a bad thing and dont forget your problems are never to small. When your sponge gets to full and cant take in any more just call me and i will wring out my sponge to you and yours to mine and we will soak up the spill togeather.