i hate musical artists who make comebacks

Nov 18, 2005 20:17

every mariah carey video makes me throw up. i think i'll wear a dress that barely covers my ass, run my hands up and down my legs, and look into the camera like a wide-eyed blinking fawn every 35 seconds. all of her new songs suck.

and the new madonna song. wow what a sweet dance move. at snowball i'm going to deep knee squat then pop up with my hands out like a creepy jack in the box. hot stuff. the only good thing about this entire video is that she got the kids from Rize to be in it, including miss prissy. what would have made it better is if the video was entirely the kids from rize, and if the kids from rize included in the video included tight eyez.

allow me to discuss at full length how much i love tight eyez. best 8 pack i've ever seen in my life. seriously amazing dancer. has really cool clowning makeup. won his battlezone. really really really really hot.
as an added surplus
my marriage to tight eyez would fulfill my life long goal of having biracial babies. they would be so pretty, i'm so excited to have them.

an ode to tight eyez
tight eyez, tight eyez
i know not your real name
you were really good in Rize
if we didn't get married and make really really good looking cute babies of gorgeous skin tone, it would be a shame

call me.

this horrible whitney houston song has been stuck in my head all day, so i declraed it the Meladrizabetali 5000 theme song. and then becuase of my awesomeness, my entire rocket group found themselves, whenever bored during the rest of the day, being like "oooh i wanna dance with somebody, i wanna feel the heat with somebody..."

i own.
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