Jun 07, 2005 21:52
i've been thinking for a long time.
dear gwen stefani-
i'd like to be a harajuku girl. i know you like already have four, and they're all love, angel, music, baby. but you know what? lamb is in the singular. i could make it plural. like lambs. it could be love angel music baby, sex or love angel music baby sausages. whatever. call it what you like.
you may find a small problem in the fact that i am not asian. however, that is easily amended. first off, i have always aspired to have half-asian babies. i believe my family may be genetically coded to have a fondness for the asian. note my slutty older sister's dating record if you don't believe me. she just likes little boys though too, so i don't know how solid that one is. secondly, one time, i took tae kwon do and i had a green belt with a blue stripe. while one may argue that this is not an official asian credential if i don't have a black belt, i'd like to note that there was this chubby kid noah who had a black belt who i used to kick the shit out of when we sparred. if that's not good enough, i don't know what is. thanks.
p.s. how does love angel music baby superfly sound? i though it had a nice ring.