too bad that nowadays, you just point and click

Sep 04, 2004 10:24

game today... blah. in wichita falls... 2 1/2 hour drive, hopefully it'll be fun though. tailgaiting partys i love :)

but my parents are being really really gay, and this could be my last game as a marquette. :( i really don't know what i would do if i would have to quit, i know i'd still be friends w/ them but it'd be different. i wouldn't get to see them as much. and i love football season and performing and all that jazz... :'( parents are so dumb.

well, thursday i went out to eat w/ bri and avery after band practice. it was fun, we went to chili's and saw hi-may 3000! lol i miss her! then we went to albertson's to get football player gifts, met this friend of avery's named steve who works there, he's a cool kid. then i got home and ryan stopped by on his way home from work and showed off his poi spinning skills... so badass. seriously.

last night after school, went to steak n' shake w/ jen and tasha. we went by this cemetery that kristine had said jacob lugo was buried in, but she was wrong. that was soo sad though, all these little kids graves and stuff :( and when the precession drove by I missed eric and charlie SO much. it's so sad that their lives got taken so young, i can't even imagine losing a sibling.

so after the cemetery we stopped by pizza hut, but they were super busy again, so michael said to come back when they got off at 9. so we drove out to carrolton, so forgot my dad used to live there until we drove by our old apartments. haha man i'm good. (( HONKY TONK )) lol that was great.

haha so then we go BACK to pizza hut. i think everyone else working there was annoyed by us but whatever. jen got in trouble for lighting matches. haha then we went over to ryans house. his house is AMAZING. he has a balcony right outside his room that looks over the lake, it's sooo beautiful. he did some more of his poi spinning for us, lol me and jen and tash were all like hypnotizd by it. it was awesome.

today college football starts, oh joy. it's like a religious holiday in my house, not even kidding. my dads been up since 6 waiting for it to start and he's walking around the house playing the boomer sooner song and singing along. good god i'm glad i'm going to be gone for a majority of the day.

this entry has been pretty long, so i'm out. later
<33 meg

"I'll be going through withdrawls of you for this one night we have spent"
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