Well I upgraded to the paid version of LJ for a year so I can start doing more stuff in LJ. Yay toys! I plan on setting this up so that I can have family look here for updates on the baby, especially around the time when she is born. I think my first fun feat will be to set up a poll. Then I can put up some fat belly pics and all sorts of nifty stuff.
I was either debating buying a website, which would be more costly and a lot more work. I wouldn't mind the work as it would be good practice. Some of the URLs that I was considering were actually available. Then I would have had to find a webhost.
But then again, for what I intend to do, LJ seems to have most of what I want. Okay, it doesn't really. What I really wanted was a website that could double as an image host so I could do more
Fark photoshop contests! The problem with that is the extreme variations in bandwidth requirements. Like, some months I'm more active at it than others. When you submit content to those photoshop contests, it's like releasing a herd of elephants into your back yard. There's like 273498723948723498327423 million people who suddenly view the pic and suck up all your bandwidth, then suddenly a day or two later the traffic is gone. That gets a bit expensive. So anyways, I haven't done much on the computer lately anyways so I guess it's not a priority. This will work. So long as I have some place to direct long-distance family for baby updates as the time gets near, I'm happy. Although I may have to upgrade from the 2GB to the 10GB scrapbook but we shall see.
So I'll be using this LJ a lot more and I'll be taking it in a more personal direction. I'll have to go through and do some editing of past entries perhaps but not too much. I used to use this mostly for talking to people in a game I played but I really don't play that game anymore. I still love my friends from that game and all are still welcome!
In other news, I've been having a wonderful time with my daughter (the 12 year old. Since I don't want to use names I'll call her DD#1, short for "Dear Daughter #1"). Last week, I took her to the mall for her first make-over! We got her some new clothes and then took her to the hair salon for a new haircut, highlights with lowlights, and her FIRST eyebrow waxing. She endured it pretty well. Poor girl inherited my thick eyebrows and she was really self conscious about them and actually tried cutting them with scissors but that looked terrible. So I had her grow them back and she had been looking forward to getting them waxed. After the whole makeover day was done, she loved her eyebrows the best. Strange kid :P