Today... I got up early so that I could take the cats down to the local PetCo and have them groomed. I've done this before... it is, in essence, something for cats who don't take good care of their fur (mine don't). They get the shave that takes them down from full coated long hair cats something like a poodle cut... and then they end up happier. After all, they get loved on more, and suddenly don't have those pesky matts that form up in areas of the body that are difficult for them to reach.
I got a call about noon from the chica at the Petco.
Dora was an angel. Iggy, on the other hand, they're going to have to try on another day. When they can keep all of the doors locked just in case he slips their grip. I stress the 'their' as its going to take _two_ of them to buzz him. So we've reschedualed for Friday morning.
Oh, and currently, both of the cats hate me. *smiles* This is what I get for being a responsible furkid mom.
At this moment, Iggy is being held on the couch by
last_bastion, who is alternately encouraging him to 'let the bad air out' (that's hissing, for those who were uncertain) and subjecting him to our newly discovered sport of 'cat yodelling'. Dora's just hiding.
In news of a completely unrelated sort, I had an amusing experience yeseterday that completely highlights part of the problem that women have with the self-image.
I went to the 'ARC', which is an equivalent of a Goodwill, but evidently run in association with a group that provides work for the mentally retarted (don't quote me on this... its what I walked away from the explanation with, and I might be wrong). I love thrifting... its where I find the bulk of my costuming... and I used the opprotunity to pillage an enormous thrift store to attempt to find more costuming and maybe some pants for myself.
I started at one end of the slacks aisle, 11/12, and worked my way through the size 16s. I'm about a size 12 myself, in the most commonly accepted clothing sizing charts, but I'll check up to a 16 just in case I find the world's coolest costuming that fits just right at two sizes too big (I have a couple pairs of pants like that). Then I repeated this step going up the denim aisle.
Off Brand (not one that I recognize) size 14 - Very loose.
Gap Silver Slacks (horrible, but great costuming. :) size 12 - Fits a touch tighter than 12.
Crest Jeans (again, don't recognize the name) size 13/14 - A little on the loose end, but not horrible.
Mossimo _stretch_ jeans, low rise size 13 - I have to suck it in to get them to botton, and they might cut off circulation if I wore them horribly long. No... they weren't in the 'misses' size.
And these are just the ones I definitely remember. JC Pennies brands? No problems, size 12 fits like a glove. Same for any of the less trendy brands. It never failed, however, that the higher end brand names, the ones people pay _twice as much for_ so that they can be cool, hip, and in fashion... are the ones that I couldn't fit into a size 14 in. If I can't fit into a size 14, imagine how the poor girl who's been trained to think she _has_ to be smaller than a size 10 feels when she can only get the 14 to button up.
These are also, I might add, the brands that don't exist in size 16 if you walk into the stores that sell them in the mall... which also happen to be the stores that sell the t-shirts that read, "I Love Med Students".
Fashion industry's fun, right? *smiles* We should be paying attention to all those fads, and supporting the company's that put out this kind of crap, right?
Yep... that's what I thought.