The Weekend

Mar 27, 2006 03:12

I went out with mitch, billy and KT on the weekend... Mitch is quite a gentalment wen sober. I actually held alot of plesent convosations with him and he didnt try to hump my leg once... and he actually listened... abit... well he took something in. Said he lost his mind after 30 trips of acid and desided to go back to school to finish year 11-12 and get it back. His teacher is his father and his sister is in his classes. Pritty funny shit. Im so used to mitch yelling and when hes sober i can hardly hear him...
Billys still fixing photocopiers at melbourne uni and living in a 2 story aparentment with a pool with KT rite near my station. I miss his parents house with his massive room... but this house is way nicer then their one before... they can actually loose each other in it.
We are all going out to 3d this weekend... fuck 3d i hate that place.. but yeah.. friends playing and mitch really wants to see the place. Oh well guess it will be a funny experience... specailly if he gets drunk.
we all talked about the old times in chelt... Kris missed out so he got to hear all of the adventures... Louise fucking that guy in the back seat of his car got brought up... the time ian was really drunk and cried outside the front of his house because billy left got brought up... Me passed out in ians drive way got brought up... mitch vomiting infront of ians dad outside ians back door got brought up... plus many other funny ones!!!
Ahh well, hope everyone has alrite weeks... and awesome weekends
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