Mar 06, 2008 23:10
I hate to admit it, but last night's hip hop session made me sore (my bad though; I didn't stretch). Add the stress of taking tests, getting grades back (damn Selena's question! 恋!! I cracked up when she said she got her own question wrong. She pulled a me ha-HA) and the workload of Japanese and I was one tired pinay going to school today. Mako saved me by giving me one of his free drink cards at Java City and had the most awesome pick me up ever. And watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in the tutor room? It can't get any better than that ^_^
Today was the first さようならパーティーfor the 日本大学生, which was fun and tomorrow is the next one only with alcohol, oh snap! Man, I think it's so weird that they're leaving! I swear it's like they just arrived last week or something.
sac state