Apr 15, 2007 19:10
Visiting Audrey's was kickASS.
The show itself, Pippin, (my excuse to go see her) was good. Occasional details about some of the actors annoyed me (one's voice, mainly), but the actual plot&characters of the play were very entertaining and carried my attention all the way through to the poignant end. And the set pieces Aud designed were very neat, particularly the balcony. A very enjoyable performance.
I didn't think I was going to enjoy the cast party much, simply because I was tired and still felt cruddy from being sick. (I still have the nasty chest cough, but at least by Friday I had stopped sounding like death when I spoke.) Man, was I wrong. Firstly, I didn't stay sickly tired, for various reasons. Secondly, most of the people Aud hangs out with are cool, so I didn't feel uncomfortable. Some of them are so similar to kids back home in interests and speech mannerisms it's almost uncanny. It also helps that both of us love to dance - us and her other ladyfriends started that craziness. The first night was really energetic, the second night was more laid back - less yelling Chuck Norris jokes and dancing, more cardgames and conversation.
Even the food wasn't so bad, although then again I was only there for a weekend, and we did get to go to Applebee's. So maybe my assessment of mac&cheese and ramen is unfair. But all in all, great time. I'M COMIN' BACK, AUD!! Next year. ^_~