I think I'll write in my LJ as a way to procrastinate, since I've been studying my ass off for days and days. Or maybe I can convince myself that LJ is in fact an academic writing exercise.
Honestly, LJ helps me remember my life, because otherwise I forget completely. This is entirely true. I didn't remember any of the events from Ireland that I wrote here.
I got my acceptance to Simon Frasier University, which caused me a few days of absolute joy, until I actually started trying to apply for classes and come up against the endless complications that come from being a "non-degree" student. Non-degree students get last choice of class registration, and despite the date passing when I should be able to register, and a note saying that I am exempt from prerequisites, it's still telling me that I can't register for anything at all.
I'm also embroiled in an argument with my home university (Carleton) over the letters of permission that would allow me to actually get credit for whatever I take in Vancouver, and I can't get those until I am allowed to register at SFU, but I was supposed to have applied for them months back (which I did, submitting classes that I had no real idea I would get into) . I am really not sure how they expect this system to work.
So I'm fiddling around until they return my calls. I am very excited to spend the fall in Vancouver, but if I can't get all these classes worked out, then it's not going to happen.
I do have a blackup plan. I've gotten tentative offers to wwoof (work 4 hrs a day in exchange for room and board) at several husky farms around Canada, and I'm not going to say no to them until I'm sure of Vancouver.
So, wish me luck!
Oh, and I will be in Toronto from the 14th-17th, and I want to see as many of my friends as possible! Talk to me and we'll make plans!
I'm currently watching an amazing documentary on dumpster diving. There's a few wingnuts, but the two filmmakers and their friends are quite sane, and I agree with much of what they say. Dumpstering is
Negative Consumption.