one of those...

Jun 04, 2009 00:47

days? weeks? months?

maybe i'm just in a funk, and maybe i've bitten off more than I can chew, but something just doesn't seem right here.  In the months of may-june, i have
APed an Event
Produced an Event and im in the Process of
Assistant Directing an entire faire.

people keep dropping, i have people trying to get the most status possible for doing absolutely nothing, and people are attempting to change my plans to fit their convenience.
I am performing on every stage except for the fight team, because we didn't have quite enough acts

and there are people who ask me for favors repeatedly, call themselves my friends, and expect me to do things for them who won't even come and see me perform.  How fair is that? I don't even care about the people who dropped because they have work or family things,I don't care about the people who can't afford to show up.  But to the people who can afford to go to another LARP all weekend, but can't come to the faire on Sunday to see the people who you considered friends perform, don't ask me for any favors, really.  There is no excuse.

I try, I really do to make MR an entertaining place for everyone, and for a while, I thought the "fill me up on fun" speech was just a preventative measure, but now I have seen the other side of it.  I've run an event with most of my crews running 1-2 down. Ive Helped run an event where the PC turnout was equal to the NPC turnout because people "didn't like the camp" and now I'm helping to direct a fantasy faire where my gate greeters and circle of challenge fighters have to act as general labor in addition to what they are scheduled to do just so the faire will run smoothly.

And you know what? I trust these people to run the best faire we've ever had.  I obviously have the most dedicated Mystic Realms Participants we have (with a couple exceptions who couldn't make it for REAL reasons, you know who you are)  I've scheduled breaks for everyone in the sections i'm running, i have EVERYONE cross-sectioning to perform and make things work, and to those people, THANK YOU

I'm tired of getting the "when you need me, then you can call me"  because i CAN'T schedule that kind of thing.  And now I need someone to talk to an audience for 20  minutes, and the only two people who would be willing, ready and able to do it are me and jess, and we're performing on the entertainment stage during that time...


::sigh, i'm sure everything will work out
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