Christmas things...

Dec 20, 2010 12:50

 Ganked from   anon_decepticon.

In 2011, raelynhb resolves to...
Give some sparklings to charity.
Be nicer to pellimusprime.
Go to the decepticons every month.
Lose ten seekers by March.
Become a better jazzxsideswipe.
Buy new autobots.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, raelynhb sent to me...

Twelve RatchetxTwins drumming
Eleven sparklings piping
Ten decepticons a-leaping
Nine seekers dancing
Eight Sides a-milking
Seven BluexTwins a-lurking
Six autobots a-roleplaying
Five je-e-e-et twins
Four grumpy doctors
Three beast wars
Two lambo twins
...and a Sunny in a dragoncave.


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