I may be off of lj for a bit...(Edited)

Aug 30, 2009 22:35

 I was told at 9:08pm today that a frind of mine past away while I was off playing at one of the Disney parks...
Now I feel like a jerk for going to play at the park.
We still don't know what happened to her. She was only 19, young and healthy. I just saw her a few days ago and she was fine. What happend to you?

I'm sorry for not spending more time with you lately.
I wish I had now. I miss you already.
Now we'll never get to have Girl's night out like we planed,
or go dancing in the rain again.
I'll never hear you telling one of your jokes again,
It won't be the same without you here.
I coulden't cry when I got the first text telling me you were gone,
And now I can't see the keyboard to type out how I feel.
I miss you and hope your at peace wherever you are.

Rest in Peace, Raven you deserved a longer time on earth.

Finally got word from her family.... SLAGIN Swine Flu!! WTFH??
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