Mission: Insane Fic Challenge List

Jul 06, 2009 05:12

Well I'm going to try my hand at the Mission: Insane Fic Challenge.... We will see how I do as we go. You must complete two of the Themed tables, two of the Un-Themed tables, two of the ‘Inspired By’ tables, and two of the Genre tables. Beyond that it’s your choice. You can pick the other twelve from our vast selection, or build your own if you do the 'Size Matters' or 'Points of View' Tables.
Author: RaeLynHB
Claim: Transformers
Rating: So far I'm guessing G-R(NC-17)
Genre - Taster Table
01. Slash (m/m, f/m or f/f)
02. Gen
03. Fluff
04. Crack
05. Angst
06. Hurt/Comfort
07. Plot?  What Plot?
08. Pounce!Porn
09. Cross-Over
10. AUGenre - Pounce!Porn
01. All Work and No Play…
02. Surprise!
03. There’s something on Your Face
04. Nobody’s looking
05. People Are Staring
06. Quick, In Here!
07. Did They See Us?
08. Oh, Hello Officer…
09. Where Did That Go?
10. You’re Gorgeous When you’re AngryUn-Themed - 5
01. Moon
02. Justice
03. Fall
04. Control
05. Night
06. Breathless
07. Bed
08. Winter
09. Return
10. GrieveUn-Themed - 8
01. Free
02. Purr
03. Sprite
04. Care
05. Croon
06. Jump
07. Sense
08. Father
09. Beauty
10. PictureThemed - Kink
01. Bondage
02. Blood
03. Asphyxiation
04. Fisting
05. Threesome
06. Voyeurism
07. Hot Wax
08. Leather
09. Whip
10.Sub/DomThemed - Saucy
 01. Kiss
02. Suck
03. Nibble
04. Bite
05. Lick
06. Taste
07. Touch
08. Stroke
09. Fondle
10. Nuzzle‘Inspired By’ - Master Plots
01. Revenge
02. Rescue
03. Escape
04. Pursuit
05. Forbidden Love
06. Underdog
07. Love
08. Discovery
09. Maturation
10. TemptationGenre - Plot? What Plot?
1.    Up Against The Wall
2.    Under The Stars
3.    On The Desk
4.    In The Elevator/Lift
5.    Theatre Cloakroom
6.    Angry!Sex
7.    Hate!Sex
8.    Spontaneous!Sex
9.    Sleepy!Sex
10.    Afternoon DelightGenre - Crack
1.    Fight
2.    Phone Call
3.    Dare
4.    Play
5.    Rough Housing
6.    Retro
7.    Kitten
8.    Hair
9.    Weird
10.    ApologizeThemed - Cliché
1.    Sacrifice
2.    Angry Drunken Betrayal
3.    Amnesia
4.    Wounded
5.    Love Triangle
6.    Pretending To Be Together
7.    Sharing Body Heat
8.    Declarations Of Love
9.    Eavesdropping
10.    Drunken KissGenre - Hurt/Comfort
1.    Pain
2.    Sore
3.    Sick
4.    Broken
5.    Fix Me
6.    Distrust
7.    Hold Me
8.    Haunted
9.    Forgive
10.    BlanketThemed - Mental Illness
1.    Schizophrenia
2.    Multiple (Dissociative) Personality Disorder
3.    Anxiety
4.    Panic Attacks
5.    Post Traumatic Stress
6.    Depression
7.    Bi-Polar
8.    Insomnia
9.    Pyromania
10.    Depersonalization DisorderThemed - Emotions
1.    Happy
2.    Sad
3.    Joy
4.    Vengeful
5.    Hope
6.    Compassion
7.    Shy
8.    Broody
9.    Confused
10.    LonelyThemed - Sci-Fi
1.    Aliens Made Them Do It
2.    Robot Doubles
3.    Body/Gender Swap
4.    Mind Reading
5.    Disease
6.    Surprise Pregnancy
7.    Out Of Body
8.    Sex Pollen
9.    Time Travel
10.    Parallel UniversesGenre - Slash/Fem-Slash
1.    Lip-Stick
2.    Grass
3.    We Shouldn’t
4.    Watched
5.    Distract
6.    Sparkle
7.    Music
8.    Painting
9.    Fur
10.    MagicalUn-themed - 6
1.    Taboo
2.    Special
3.    Want
4.    Beast
5.    Charisma
6.    Desperate
7.    Promise
8.    Paranoia
9.    Baggage
10.    UnrequitedGenre - Fluff
1.    Snuggle
2.    Lie In
3.    Cuddle
4.    Candy
5.    Dance
6.    Flirt
7.    Stolen Kisses
8.    Lazy Sunday
9.    Heart
10.    LoveThemed - Phrases
1.    It’s All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses An Eye
2.    It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
3.    Oops
4.    Eureka!
5.    Do You Want Fries With That?
6.    Wild Horses Couldn’t Make Me…
7.    Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
8.    Don’t Dream It, Be It
9.    Are You Insane?
10.    I’ve Never Felt Like This Before
‘Inspired By’ - Songs
10 TBDThemed - Quotes
1. Always Forgive Your Enemies, Nothing Annoys Them So Much - Oscar Wilde
2. Fiction Is Obliged To Stick To Possibilities, Truth Isn’t - Mark Twain
3. Be Great In Act As You Have Been In Thought - Shakespeare
4. Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge - Einstein
5. Be Careful When You Fight The Monsters, Lest You Become One - Nietzsche
6. However Beautiful The Strategy, You Should Occasionally Look At The Results - Winston Churchill
7. Everything Has It’s Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It - Confucius
8. When the sun comes up, I have morals again. -Elayne Boosler
9. If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
-George Carlin
10. What could happen?Bonus Crazy Prompt Table 15
1.    Smashed Badger
2.    Weasels On Your Face
3.    Naked Eating Cheetos
4.    Ikea
5.    ’Tis Not Normal
6.    Have You Put The Thingy On The Wotsit?
7.    Bingo Bango Bongo
8.    Of Course I Was Very, Very Drunk At The Time
9.    A Potato, A Dead Crow And A Piece Of My Bicycle
10.    Who’s The Fraggle Looking Motherf**ker In The Far Out Hat?
11.    Have You Seen My…?
12.    I Like Fluffy!
13.    I’m The Only Gay Eskimo…
14.    We’ve Got A Combined Age Of 98
15.    Twice, It Cost Me £80

mission: insane

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