Growing up. ..... Where is her rewind button????

Mar 12, 2007 20:37

As much as it kills me to admit it, my daughter is growing up. 
I got to "meet" her boyfriend through the internet last week.He has a
great sense of humor. Me, being me, just had to pester the crap out
of the kid to see how he'd respond. He did VERY well, it killed me !!
He is absolutely hilarious, I think I hate him!!!LOL. No really.. NOT :)
He actually asked my permission to walk my daughter home one day 
after school.I was shocked, and happy. I know I still need to be cautious.
Isn't it the well mannered and well behaved ones that tend to be the
octopus men?
Today when I pulled in the driveway they were in it. Talking and throwing
around the ball. It was rather cute.I said my hellos and went in the house.
Trying to be sneaky I grabbed my camera and ran to my son's room to snap
off a few pics to memorialize my not strangling the one attracted to my daughter.
I got off a few shots when I got caught. I sheepishly asked them to get closer to
get a nice picture cause I want to put them in my scrapbook. THey it is  lol

Friday they have a "date" that consists of me taking them to the movies with
my cousing and friend , then dropping him off. I told her as long as he behaves, 
so will I . Hmphft
They don't have to stay in the same movie, unless they want to. I don't think I even
want to know where they'll be sitting if they stay with us. If he doesn't behave I just may
make the boy tuck and roll when it comes time to drop him off. THis dating stuff isn't fun man.
Now I know how my mom felt ! Plah !
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