Sep 08, 2007 10:45
Haha, so I'm not sure Jen and I can get anymore melodramatic, but this convo shows our current frames of mind. :P
(So that no one gets offended, Jen and I talk like this all the time. We're never actually serious, as you can probably get from the convo. We're just bitching because it makes us laugh at each other's comments. :P)
Me (10:34:39 AM): ....Damn Irish. I'm done with the Irish. Fuck the Irish. They bring me nothing but grief.
Jen (10:37:14 AM): lets move on to Scottish
Me (10:37:39 AM): Hahaha, they all suck! They have a conspiracy against us minorities!
Jen (10:37:52 AM): i agree
Jen (10:38:09 AM): the irish with their pale white skin
Me (10:38:27 AM): ...If it wasn't so damn enticing...
Jen (10:39:01 AM): fuck it.. dont give in
Jen (10:39:58 AM): guess who i just found out is irish
Jen (10:40:07 AM): ____________
Me (10:40:11 AM): Of course
Me (10:40:14 AM): It all makes sense
Me (10:40:26 AM): Someday her and _________ are going to get married and have little amazingly beautiful babies
Me (10:40:30 AM): ...I cry just thinking about it
Jen (10:40:59 AM): little irish babies
Jen (10:41:04 AM): then i will babies with a black man
Me (10:41:23 AM): Nooo, the stereotypes need to be broken!
Me (10:41:25 AM): We need to mix!
Jen (10:41:33 AM): no
Jen (10:41:36 AM): no
Me (10:41:39 AM): Bi-racial people need to unite and add to the world!
Jen (10:41:42 AM): im going to call those guys
Me (10:41:48 AM): Race is a SOCIAL concept! We should not propogate it!
Me (10:41:51 AM): Nooooooooo
Me (10:41:56 AM): Mix the Races!
Me (10:41:58 AM): My new slogan
Jen (10:42:02 AM): but ethnicity is so very real
Me (10:42:07 AM): ...Ok, yeah, but we can mix that up, too
Me (10:42:14 AM): Look, if my parents could do it, I can too!
Jen (10:42:17 AM): no we can't
Me (10:42:17 AM): It works, people, it works!
Jen (10:42:27 AM): no it doesnt
Me (10:43:04 AM): Jen,'s my last chance at happiness! My last chance to believe I will marry an Irish or Russian man!
Me (10:43:08 AM): Don't kill my dreams!
Me (10:43:44 AM): Besides, I'm a mutt of ethnicities anyways! Who am I to marry if not someone from another ethnicity?! Am I doomed to be alone forever??
Jen (10:44:26 AM): yes you are
Me (10:44:54 AM): ...Oh my god, it's true. I'm going to die an old maid, unloved...
Jen (10:45:30 AM): dont worry, at least you wont die an old gay maid
Jen (10:45:36 AM): which is worse
At least we make each other feel better! XD
im convos