Jun 13, 2007 17:31
So much waxing philosophical...let me post today in the spirit of humor and fun moments.
For example, what did I do in Prague? (Aka what did I have to go all the way to Prague to DO?) See Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End!!!! Yes, yes, I did in fact see Pirates in Prague. "Why?" you ask? Oooh, because Sevilla did not have any theatre playing it in English, and no matter how much Jose wants to say that Johnny's voice double in Spain is a better voice than J Depp's ACTUAL voice (*cough cough bullshit cough*), I could not bring myself to watch it in Spanish and lose all the humor I knew would be in it in translation.
Interestingly enough, I found the film rather dark and dramatic... quite a different movie than the first one. I liked it, but was surprised by the gloom that haunted it all the way through. Elizabeth's father's bit was a surprise... and Commodore/Admiral Norrington (though him less...it was more my wild hopes that it would turn out differently). I didn't see the Calypso thing coming, although I'd known from almost the second time I'd watched the second movie that Tia Dalma was Davy Jones' lover.
Best parts (without giving too much away, I hope):
* Orlando Bloom in a bandana
* The "Hoist the Colors" song (which I think should have been sung more than just once or twice in the movie)
* The "nine pieces of eight" (complete with Gibbs' explanation about why they were what they were and how it was better to call them "nine pieces of eight" than "nine pieces of whatever we happen to have in our pockets at the time", hahahaha)
* The reappearance of Murtog and Mulroy (loved that duo in the first one, missed them in the second)
* The maelstrom battle (as seen in credits)
* The Mistress Ching with the Amadala-esque lip-stick
* The true significance and value of Ragetti's eye.
* The post-credits clip
Ooh, and I rather appreciated Keith Richard's cameo.
Crazy to think that shortly I will be back in the States...able to go to Wonderland and watch Oceans 13...able to go Movie Time and rent movies without having nto look for an hour for something I haven't seen (I have a YEAR to catch up on), able to watch my own DVDs and purchase ones I've been wanting (Pirates 2 is on my wishlist, as is Gladiator, Oceans 11, the Back to the Future boxset, the Harry Potters and a chick flik or two, just in case you're wondering).
Jumping aside from movies and into real-life hilarity:
"Who the fuck would steal a baby's shoe?!" - Mandie
Yes, there were humorous moments abounding in Prague. The park that you had to toggle the latch to get into ("but how do we get in???"), Mandie's 4 euro/7 dollar Coke purchase in the airport (and we're talkig a .25L size, aka five swallows), the long-ass circular walk Michelle and I took on our second night in Prague that took us two hours out of our way and turned out to have been totally unnecessary, the Mufasa-style snoring of one of our hostel-mates (a girl), the McDonald's milkshakes (TWICE in one day), the never-getting-the-potatoe-side-dishes-we-ordered at the restaurants, and the VERY frustrating episode (the humorous in retrospect) of not being able to find change in THREE different supermarkets on a Sunday so that we could buy metro tickets (apparently Prague's coinage vanishes on Sundays).
Believe it or not, I really do have to study. Have I pissed time away to write this? You bet. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Because will I remember my exams in 10 years? NO! Will I want to remember them? No! Will I want to remember the little funny moments that made Prague great? Without a doubt.
quotes (movies),
quotes (friends),