Just Another Monday in a Quiet Town

Aug 15, 2005 23:21

You're a forest elf. you live on your own and enjoy
the beauty of nature. you're happy and other
people always enjoy being around you because of
your loveable personality. you can often be
found somewhere outside in the forest with all
the animals. Green fits you best

what kind of elf are you? {with pics}
brought to you by Quizilla

It was a good day. I got stuff accomplished around the house, because I'm finally feeling better. I did a great deal of laundry (at which I'm very proud), started organzing the mess that is my room (hopefully I'll be done by the time I'm supposed to move back up to A2), and chilled with the fam. Dad was done really early with work today (like noon), so we all hung out, worked around the house, etc.

My aunt came over about getting my younger bro registered at the public high school, and while she was here I had her look at my back which has been hurting me. Well, lo and behold, I'm gimped. My right side is more muscular (more built up) than my left... to the point where it's causing me back pain. My spine is a bit curved because of it now, too. My aunt was like, "Being a nurse, I can see what the problem is, but I can't tell you what caused it... you need to go see a physical therapist". I'm like, "Great". Honestly, where is david79 when I need him? *Sniff sniff*

This evening was Jeremy's Going Away party. We all met up at the AA parking lot, then went to the beach from there. There was a huge group of us! Mostly people from Jeremy's class, but still! From my class there was Ben (who came to see him off, but couldn't go to the beach because of fireman stuff), Shorty, Alli and I. Alli and I spent the most time together at the beach. Shorty had Dave, and Alli and I aren't all that close or all that chummy with the majority of the Class of '05. (Barring wonderful people like Jeremy, Ryan, Jeff H, and some of the girls). It was really nice out there, though. Alli and I decided we need to go on some nice day during the day so that we can soak up a few more rays before school starts. We did a lot of talking, though, and catching up. I drove her, Shorty and Dave up there (I was trying to be considerate, since Dave and Shorty are both tight on gas money, plus I love driving my Saab), but wow the gas prices around here! They say it may get up to $3.00 by the weekend, and it NEVER gets that high here in the country. Shoot, I have even see it get that high in A2!!

Alli and I then went on a late night ice cream run. We actually ended up hitting up Baskin Robbins for sherbert. Mm, the goodness. We did a lot of talking about guys, relationships, the future, etc. I told her about my "Grand Scheme" for James' B-day tomorrow. She just kinda laughed and looked at me incredulously. She's like, "Sheesh, Rae, what are you trying to do, seduce him? 'Cause that would work!" *Smiles* It's just the different way she and I operate. When I want to do something really special for one of my close guy friends, I tend to lean toward the Sentimental and Significant. (Aka nice food, candles, roses (yes, girls can give guys roses, too... it works two ways :P), cards, taking out to dinner, thoughtful present, etc etc). Alli leans towards the Fun and Fantastic. (Aka gag gifts, crazy cards, bright colors, burned CD of Rock On songs, balloons, large parties w/everyone and their uncle invited, etc). She envies me, and I envy her. I don't know how to throw one of those "Good Time" gigs that she's so fabulous at. I could never buy gag gifts, because I would never know what funny little thing to get. So I go with significant, thoughtful stuff, and I do it with those who I know I can get away with doing it for. It's not something I would do for, say, my crush. These schemes are concocted for my best friends (usu my best close guy friends... for girls I do things a bit differently, obviously. :P) But the world needs all sorts, you know? This big scheme that's "all about James" is due to the fact that last year he had a pitiful B-day where only one person remembered to call him and wish him "Happy Birthday". I really want to top that this year, because he deserves to be rememebered. Summer birthdays almost always get forgotten, and he's too good a friend to just carelessly call up and be like, "Oh, btw, happy birthday, man." Pfft, no.

So whether or not my scheme is overboard, I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Really, if I can surprise him and get him to smile, make a memory, then that's all I want.

So saying, I have to go get sleep. I'm off early tomorrow morning to go cake-buying with my Aunt. Laterz, all!

friends (home), alli, james, shorty, family, relationships

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