Stuff I Forgot to Write Yesterday

May 25, 2005 17:11

I have to read for History since I have a midterm tomorrow, but I need to get this other stuff out of my head first.

So yesterday was really hectic, and that's part of the reason I didn't write any of this down earlier.

After work, I went to the library to pick up the book I'm reading right now for History. I met Sam in the stacks (he was in my Spanish class last semester and in my discussion group as well), looking for the same book. Well, it was supposed to be on the UGLI's shelves, but apparently someone has pilfered them all because there was not a copy to be found. We searched for awhile, bemoaning the fact that we had so much history reading to do. Then he told me that he and some people from class were going to get together to do some note-copying etc, to study from. I was totally game (plus I just thought it was cool that he asked me). So we meet up with his friend, Jake, and another girl...who's name I cannot remember (it's unusal like mine), but who seemed really nice.

... I dunno, some people have qualms about letting other people see their notes. For me, I'm all for helping a person out. I'm not gonna give them my whole notebook, but if there's a section they missed some info on or whatever, then sure they can copy the page.

Anyways, we did some comparing, discussing what we thought would be on the test, the relevant info, etc etc. Jake and the other girl had bought the optional textbook to supplement the class, which I did some reading in. (It did a far better job of breaking down Bacon's Rebellion than Edmund Morgan in his 200 pgs we had to read. :P) We did some discussing on themes, since our teacher told us some of the bigger themes were going to be a big part of test and then the other half would be ID (a person, place, thing and the "who, what, where, when, how?" issues involved).

Sam and Jake are friends from somewhere else, and I'd actually semi-met Jake on the first day of class, since he'd been sitting by Sam when I greeted him, realizing he was in the class. I don't think either of them are enthusiasts about the class (and truly, you'd have to be a BIG history buff to be enthused about this class... augh, I just can't wait until Fall and we get to INTERESTING stuff. 20th century, yay!), so they've missed a number of classes or fallen asleep in class. But we were all able to consolidate ideas pretty well, filling in the blanks where others were missing info.

Jake is a pretty good looking guy. He looks like he's into sports, though I have no idea if that is true. He's one of those baseball rocking, I-pod carrying guys with a face alittle like a younger version of Vin Diesel, and an upper body nearly to match. ...It's actually not his whole face. (I spent some time thinking about this. XD) I think it's like his eyes or maybe his chin...maybe jaw structure. I was focused on history, so I couldn't really sit there and study him, but when I was paying attention, that's what came to mind.

Sam's not a bad looking guy either, again something I NEVER noticed in Spanish. Don't ask me why. That whole strange thing called "not my type"? Maybe. I dunno, his eyes are the kind that dance when he smiles or laughs. Maybe that's why. Katia's class was just not one that inspired copious amounts of laughter often, though it had it's moments.

Anyways, I would have to say that studying histories with two cuties is only so fulfilling. :P After all, it's still history and there's still a midterm tomorrow. Booooo!

As a parting thought, I was SO sad to see Jeff, Jess and Kate leave today! Last night Kate slept in the other bed in my room, and it was like being roomies again. I miss her so much! ;_; Oh well, fall is a-coming. And in the meantime, I have my awesome sublet-mate. And now...I'm off to read 100+ pages on The Origins of American Politics....just shoot me now.

jeff, history, sam, jake, kate

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