Other Things...

Dec 12, 2003 22:44

You sexy beast, you! You love flirting...being the
center of attention excites you. Men probably
do whatever you tell them to do...your beauty
can get you pretty much anything you want.

What Kind Of Woman Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Umm, whatever they say. (*Snickers*)

Anyways, now that FoL is over, I can relax a little. Tomorrow night is my uncle's 50 B-Day party celebration. (I think his actual B-day was Tuesday). Then on Sunday is the school Christmas party. Apparently the senior girls are singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I just got told that on Friday. James can relax after that's over with, and maybe even during...provided they don't give him a million other jobs. The rest of us will have a good time. Alli is going to sing All I Want for Christmas, which is so fitting since she doesn't have her two front bottom teeth. ^_^

Other than that, not much happening. Need to write on article on the school party, but other than that, no major homework. (Barring History and Government, since I have tests in both those subjects on Monday...and go figure I left my Geography book at the school, so I have to get it on Sunday. :P)

Right, so on to something else. Let's back up to that quiz. Where do they get these answers?! I am the epitome of innocence! I mean, where do they get that off my answers being to questions like, "Pick a color" (I picked blue like I always do) and "describe yourself in three terms" (I forget which three I picked, but they were the only ones that even came close). :P I tell you, I am sooo angelic, it's not even funny. That woman in that picture is about as extreme the other direction from me as you can get!

Yep. Glad I cleared that up for y'all.

Anyways, nothing much to do now so I may go read...or possibly sleep. But I'm not tired yet, so maybe I'll read.

Lotsa love to you all. Night!

quiz, justin, james, academy (jun-sen)

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