School officially started last friday, and it was decent I guess. I dont have many classes yet because I need to talk to my counselor about scheduling.. so I really only have one class lol. Went down to San Diego friday night and hung out with my friend Allison seen in this pic... here!
Littleee bit drunk
Afterwards, I chilled at Nick's house and passed out around 3 AM on his couch >.>. The following morning, we woke up at 8 AM (orz) and got ready to go Paintballing. Everyone was lagging like mad so we didnt leave until like 9 AM and we still had people to pick up. I drove my friend Everett, and we stopped by and got free Starbucks (his ex-gf works there) so that was pretty tight lol. Finally ended up at Velocity @ Ramona (good 30-40 min drive to the middle of no where) around 10 AM.
Overall we played about 8-10 games, mostly speedball. I did decently, given my equipment and expertise (read: noob). Using my autococker (mechanical trigger aka slow), I only hit about 4-5 people all day long.. On the last game, I was out of air, and my friend was out of paint... so I asked to borrow his Ion (electric trigger aka fast as hell) and I got 3 people out in a row.. wtf is with that shit lol. I definitely need to invest in a new gun. Just dont know if I can lay down a couple hundred for a better gun right now >.> especially with no job n such. I guess we'll see. Ended up staying there til 4 PM and left tired and bruised haha. I got hit twice in the same spot on my bicep, once on the shoulder, once in the back, once in the head (thanks nick >.>) and once in the hamstring. I noticed that I always get hit on my left side.. Anyway, here's some pics!
Chillen between games
Gear..... lots of it D:
Group pic (my friends, and nick's cousins)
After we got back, we pretty much chilled @ nick's house, ate and talked about old high school memories lol. Went to hang out with my friend Jane from UCSD for a couple hours.. nothing like seeing old friends again :D Crashed at nicks house again after that >.>
Sunday we went out to eat at TGIF for lunch, and I went home to see my parents (who I havent seen in like 3 months D:) for a nice big steak dinner. Talked to my sister and parents for the rest of the night, and came back up to Irvine to get ready for schoooollll. Now Im just trying to pass time since I've given up WoW to try to be more productive and social this year lol. Anyway, peace.