Oct 29, 2004 23:08
So shall I write about some more good fun times? I think I shall! Today was friday. Still is in fact. I woke up this morning in the best mood i have ever been in in a morning. It was crazy...! Then I got the wrath of Mellor because i didnt show up to the quarter of seven meeting. Woops, my bad. But it was still a good day and when I came home to chat it up with Jilly it got even better. We are doing some special stuff for our Senior sister and went shopping for some little pretty things for her. Then Amanda came to take us out to eat. I have never actually been to the Beef Barn, so we tried that out and it was cool. I was a little scared, but all in all it was good. We had some fun times. Then we visited Brad at IGA and bought sparkeling cider and M&Ms. We also got the movie Saved. I think the first three minutes were the funniest. I watched it three times and cried laughing. People hurting themselves and confessing their gayness to their girlfriend under is funny stuff. Me amanda and Joo had a good time and the kick me im a loser sign placed on my back had me worried there for a minute... Im extremely tired now and who knows what tomorrow will bring. I love my friends to death. Thanks guys, I love you. OH! AND BOSTON WAS AMAZING. ME AND DUBE HAD THE BEST TIME EVEN THOUGH WE DIDNT GET TO BUY HATS! AND I WONT GET TO BUY JOHN A RING TOMORROW WHICH SUCKS A BALL BUT ME AND DANIELLE BOUGHT A KICK ASS TWO DOLLAR PRETZEL OFF A GUY AND WE SAW THESE HOTT COLLEGE GUYS AND ENJOYED ART AND FELT THE SACREDNESS OF THE BUDDAHS. WE ALSO HAD GOOD TALKS AS ALWAYS... WOAH MANNS SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS. lol love you guys. night.