Jul 04, 2007 14:07
Ah....I had too many cakes of the jaffa. Darn them and their orangey ways.
Serious time of the month problems, whoop de fucking doo.
Got to go to the Theater and dust the set, rig ten lights up, swap all the gels cause they're melting, tell people off for messing with the setting on the lighting board, re fucking rig the entire stage ready for performance.
Why on earth certain people got a part in this play escapes me. I cannot abide bad acting, especially having to fight the urge to push them off stage and do it myself. You see this is a convincing performance of woe. Not oh look how sad I am. URGH! So could have had that part. But I shall not be smug, the director offers his apologies, he knows he was in the wrong. Least I'm getting paid more than her, being a more experianced in the art of theater *sniggers*. Still I can't have the main part all the time, so I see their point I guess.
Rightho. Must dash, I need to see if anyone replied to my snooty comment in the cloaking in book.