Hadn't been intending to do this, but....

Feb 22, 2008 01:18

 Alright, I'm in that hyper state you get when you've been up so long you're no longer tired, even though you ought to be. And I've been pondering my latest HP fanfic character, Lycoris Lestrange/Riddle, who finds out that his father was really Voldemort when he's in his later years at Hogwarts (he's in Teddy Lupin's year, they're about the same age). The story I'm writing with him is about discovering his heritage, and how he comes to terms with who he is, and what that means to him. Somewaht early on in the fic, he ends up doodling something resembling the Dark Mark onto his arm, and his family (this being Aunt Narcissa, Cousin Draco, and "Father"- Rodolphus) freak out, because they're afraid of anything relating to the Death Eaters and the time they supported the Dark Lord (mainly because of how the MoM reacts to anything tied to the Death Eaters at that point).

So, while planning out that scene, I get the crazy idea in my head to doodle the Dark Mark onto my own arm- which, since I've never been *that* big of a DE/Voldy fan, I'd never intended to do- especially since I firmly believe in the 'not all slytherins are evil' bit, and pretty much always have- so I'd normally not do that, as I'd situated myself in the camp of good/neutral Slyths ages ago and intended to stand by that- meaning no Dark Mark for me.

But I did it anyway.

Not my best, admittedly (the whole 'drawing on skin issue'), but it's better than I'd expected it to be. I used, oddly enough, someone else's drawn-on Dark Mark as a reference pic, since it was the most realistic pic I had of the Dark Mark.


Some better pictures now that it's daylight out and I don't have to worry about waking someone up with too much light......

Ignore the fridge in the background, please. My "desk" at the moment is the kitchen table....

That's the best one, really.

Though that ones good too.

Also ignore the face in the corner. I had to see the screen, but the angle wasn't working..... urg.

death eaters, dark mark, dark lord, out of my mind, voldemort, lycoris lestrange/riddle

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