Dec 11, 2005 21:26
so i hate when my last entry is all depressing and makes me look angsty, emo, and histrionic. so in conclusion, this is a new social live journal entry composed by rachel and her dearest friend (read:lover) caitlin devlin cummings III. we believe that we have finally reached, ensemble, self actualization needs. and are as cool as halle berry and mlk and gandhi. combined. times ten. all three of em guys, all three, theriosuly.
see, you know you want to hang out with us. because we are not even on any drugs, this is just us. and hamilton, alexander. our friend (read: dead guy from the past that we make love to) or lover (read: friend [read: dead guy from the past that we make love to]). End parenthesis. es.
now we should be therious...
guys we love you, theriously. dude. okay, so... ya this is awkward... youre interesting level has dropped to about -12.7 since our point of disinteret where we drop out -12.57, we must leave you.
yo, go check out rent. its of the hizzle, theriously.
(be tee doubleyou- when raquel says that she sounds like beavis and butthead, theriously guyth.) the end.
fo real. love always,
alexander hamilton and crew (read:dead guy from the past and his lovers)
the third,
alexander hamilton,