Nov 25, 2008 09:56
MEME Rules
Post 8 things about yourself
Tag 8 friends to post back
1. I come from a family that deals in obsession and excess. Both sets of grandparents were alcoholics at one time. Dad's mother till day she died the others got wise in their later years. Dad is obsessed with hunting and fishing. Too much time exposed to more hunting and fishing shows than anyone should be. Mother's is the internet though she is getting better to a bit.
2. I have lived in various parts of the country courtesy of Uncle Sam. Thanks to dad's career in the army I was born in Texas. Have lived in Alabama, Kansas, Tenessee, and Ohio (well Ohio was due to dad being discharged.)
3. I wonder at times if I have done more harm than good in the local pagan community. Lots of things I can say here but to keep things civil and the like let's just say in some cases was too young and inexpereince through lot of my running of the PSA and listened to some of the wrong voices in and outside of my head (don't ask).
4. Of late been wanting to get back in touch with the past. Thanks to the likes of facebook and myspace this has somewhat been possible. Of course in some cases leads to the would ofs, could ofs, and should ofs of life.
5. Think I'm becoming more gunshy than already was in terms to relationships. Especially with the recent divorce of the parents. Just don't want to invest alot of time in a relationship I guess to just have it fall apart in part of my life where I should start settling down for the end. Of course might also have other factors which won't get into here.
6. For some strange reason when eating the likes of popcorn or chips. the grouping I grab has to be even. will split one apart into two to make this happen.
7. Starting to realize I'm getting older when today's music just irritates the hell outta me. And I start downloading older music more and more.
8. I think I have disclosed too much here but what is done is done lol
I tag.....well whoever on my list hasn't done this yet since most of my list has done this.