Visiting Mom

May 16, 2010 22:20

I'm in Santa Clara visiting Mom for 10 days. I took the shuttle down on Friday (they only had an a.m. flight available) and have really been enjoying Vida's cube. Not only does she having a docking station that fits my laptop, she has the most amazing headset ever. I can actually hear when people talk during meetings!! I also got to meet a bunch of people I've been working with (the ones who own the product right before us). There's been a lot of collaboration, there, so it was nice to put faces with names. Once again I was amazed at how different people look from how I imagine them. One guy who I thought was an old Japanese guy actually turned out to be a young Indian. Oops!

Mom and I have been having a ton of fun visiting together. We met for lunch on Friday and tried a very tasty organic Italian place in a strip-mall near Intel. After work, Mom and I visited Santana Row, a very posh mall relatively close by. We did some window shopping and had dinner at Roux, a Louisiana-themed restaurant. They had amazing cornbread, and Mom got to try alligator for the first time. The flavor was all right, but it was a bit too chewy.

Yesterday we went to Gilroy Gardens, which turned out to be more children's theme park than garden. However, it was fun to go on the kids' rides, which gave nice tours of the various gardens, and in a manner mild enough to be agreeable to Mom's sensitive stomach. My favorite part was the paddle boats, adorably shaped as ducks and swans. I'd definitely rent a paddle boat again! The site was built where a guy had cultivated "Circus Trees", cunningly grafter sycamores that defy reason. Overall it was a lot of fun.

Later in the afternoon we visited the local Outlet mall, and I picked up quite a few things that I needed (new flats, leggings from American Apparel, etc.) I don't know how I'm going to fit it all back in my suitcase, though. In the evening we had a lucky find at the Empress of India. I had an amazing paneer tikki masala, and Mom's mixed meats were tasty too.

Today I slept in, and then we met up with Gene, I-Ming, and Pou Pou. We had a nice brunch together and then went to visit Goon-Goon's grave. It's the second anniversary of his death today. Afterward we got dessert at a local cafe and did some more window shopping in the cute local tourist town.

We came home to freshen up and then were off to a dinner with a bunch of distant relatives I never knew I had -- they are the descendants of my great-grandfather's sister. They are a wonderful family, warm and loving and generous, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them throughout the week.

mom, california

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