101 Things in 1001 Days

Dec 29, 2008 22:13

I'm officially trying this!

January 1, 2009 through September 29, 2011

1. Go biking fifty times (0/50)
2. Go running one hundred times (2/100)
3. Work up to running two miles comfortably
4. Drink only water for two weeks (1/14)
5. Take vitamin C daily for two months (0/60)
6. Always take the stairs
7. Cook dinner thirty times (0/30)
8. Make a meal plan for when I cook
9. Floss every day for a month (0/30)
10. No fast food for a month (0/30)
11. Stretch at least five days a week for a month (0/22ish)
12. Clean my room once a week (0/143)
13. Change my bedsheets once every two weeks (0/72)
14. Wake up at 6:00am every morning for a month (0/30)
15. Eat breakfast every morning for two weeks (5/14)
16. Be comfortable in my body

For Fun
17. Go on a road trip
18. Have Christmas in July
19. Visit Max
20. Attend at least five concerts per year (0/13ish)
21. Make fifty origami frogs (0/50)
22. Have a movie marathon with friends, popcorn and candy abounding
23. Visit ten yard sales (0/10)
24. Travel to Ireland
25. Go to the beach at least once a summer (0/3)
26. Try the 365 project (15/365)
27. Order something from the TV
28. Buy a gift for someone for no reason (0/5)
29. Find a hairstyle I really like
30. Go to Skateworld and act like a seven-year-old again with D (pixie sticks!!!)
31. Color in the coloring book I got from A =)
32. Participate in adayinmylife

Gray Matter
33. Read five banned books (0/5)
34. Read ten more 1001 Books to Read Before You Die books (0/10)
35. Get to Nationals in Fine Arts (and actually go)
36. Win at chess at least once
37. Complete a jigsaw puzzle (mostly) by myself
38. Donate fifty thousand grains of rice through freerice (38000/50000)
39. Learn American Sign Language
40. Learn Spanish fluently
41. Watch fifteen movies in Spanish (or with Spanish subtitles) (0/15)
42. Read fifty books every year (3/50 for 2009)
43. Learn (and be able to identify in the night sky) five new constellations (0/5)
44. Send a secret in to postsecret
45. Get into a good college that I’m happy with
46. Research one topic I’m interested in a month, properly, at the library (0/30ish)
47. Learn to play two suits in Spider Solitaire
48. Win a two suits game of Spider Solitaire
49. Work on my puzzle book that I got from Mr. Frederick

Expand Your Horizons/Creativity
50. Learn to knit
51. Learn to play five new songs on the piano (0/5)
52. Finish DoMS
53. Make a hard copy of my novel
54. Take a photography class
55. Learn to tie a tie
56. Kiss someone at midnight on New Year’s
57. Go white water rafting
58. Keep a journal
59. Send fifty postcards through postcrossing (4/50)
60. Buy a dress
61. Wear the dress at least three times (0/3)
62. Learn to drive a stick shift
63. Wear my hair differently every day for a week (0/7)
64. Read ten books recommended to me (0/10)
65. Try more foreign foods
66. Learn how to make an origami frog

67. Get my driver’s license
68. Wear the scar gel every day for three months (16/90)
69. Stay a virgin
70. Clean out my iPod of songs I don’t listen to anymore
71. Get my iPod fixed
72. Personalize my room more
a. Shelves
b. Frames for pictures
c. Put up pictures
d. Organize desk space
e. Magnetic space?
i. Put up clips for important cards, spare cash, etc
j. Magnetize little papers and put up
73. Graduate from high school with a 4.0
74. Win a scholarship (or two)
75. Get fitted for bras
76. Work two days a week every week (2/280ish)
77. Maintain a calendar to keep track of all this stuff (1/33ish)
78. Buy myself a cell phone once I get my license

79. Go on a date
80. Participate in school social-ity (how? I don’t know. . . )
81. Trytrytry to patch things up with D
82. Have D over once a month (1/30ish)
83. Make a new friend

84. Adopt an animal from WWF
85. Adopt another animal from WWF
86. Be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army
87. Donate clothes I don’t wear anymore to Goodwill
88. Do fifty hours of community service (0/50)

89. Blog about each completed thing on my list (0/101)
90. Go a day without speaking
91. Leave a note for my mom telling her how much I love her
92. Say something nice/complimentary to everyone I talk to one day
93. Try out to be a hand model
94. Keep track of every movie I watch
95. Make a scrapbook of my and my dad’s adventures in Austria
96. Make a scrapbook of my and my mom’s adventures in London
97. Say ‘yes’ to everything for a week
98. Go without watching TV for two weeks (0/14)
99. Bring my camera to “events” and take pictures
100. Post the pictures on my wall
101. Convince someone that spam sushi can taste good

useful/necessary, 101 in 1001, for fun, health, expand your horizons/creativity, gray matter, goals, random, relationships, charity

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