Feb 23, 2004 09:48
I am way overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life this week. Well, okay, maybe just period. I need to write still about Saturday night/Sunday morning&afternoon. I have finally slept a little, but could definitely use more. I feel ick today and now wonder, when I spent 48 hrs this weekend on 2 hrs of sleep, and I have been going through testing for multiple possible health problems anyway. They took more tests this morning. Last friday was the pap and the iron test. I have not gotten the pap results yet. But my iron is finally under control. So possibly out of the danger zone of my anemia. They took the glucose test and drew blood today. Glucose came back way average, very middle of the road. So, yay! Considering one of the things that they were worried about was prediabetes, it sounds like I am fine on that score. My thyroid is also being tested, and they are doing something else which I can't remember. They are also checking with my shrink today about getting me put on zoloft or wellbutrin, or something like that. I've just been a little less than for a while now, and if drugs can help that, then why shouldn't I let them? Goddess knows I've taken them for other reasons in the not so distant past (yay, great fucking weekend!!!). Anyway, also headed to the shrink for my second appointment today. That should be good stuff. Headed to work out tonight after that, and then home again to clean up (hopefully) before heading out. I started the South Beach diet today (which my doctors put me on), and so far it doesn't suck. I also have a KSU Pagans meeting tonight. Grrr! I am fucking busy! I knew this would come eventually though. The Goddess told me on Mabon that I needed to get all of my affairs in order, and that I would have my work cut out for me. Well, She is never wrong, is she?