Apr 23, 2007 16:15
Hey- I just sent out an email with this info. Thought I'd post it here too.
If you didn't get the email, I don't have yours and you should let me know what it is! Love, Rachael
One of close friends in my nursing class just found out her husband has Stage 4 colon cancer. He's 26. Stage 4 is the most advanced stage of cancer. He's already had to have some major surgeries to remove his colon and insurance won't pay for the thousands of dollars in chemotherapy that he'll need to survive this.
We've set up a medical fund at Bank of America in his name, and if you'd like to contribute your donations would mean a lot. If you can't give, no worries. They're LDS and would appreciate your prayers. Thanks again.
Donations can be made at any BofA or through me. Make checks payable to:
The Clinton Hill Medical Fund #457003805907
P.S. Just an FYI- Colon cancer is extremely rare in his age group. It usually strikes those over the age of 50. However, it's very aggressive. So this is just your reminder to get your yearly physical, buck up and get a colonoscopy when your 50, and do monthly self breast exams and testicular checks NOW. It could and can save your life. If you need info, email me.