Tales from the Granary: In Which We Are Butter Fascists

Dec 20, 2008 19:26

Woman walks up to my register, brandishing a single stick of butter. Remember, at this point, we don't have a barcode scanner, so every non-bulk item has a price sticker on it.

Woman: There's no price on this!

Me: Okay, let me run and check on that.

I'm pretty sure we don't sell single sticks of butter, but I've been wrong before, so I run back to the dairy case and confirm. Yeah, no. Apparently this lady has TORN OPEN a box, which she's left askew in the wrong section, missing a stick of butter.

Me: Ma'am, the prices are on the boxes. We don't sell individual sticks of butter.

Woman: But it was right back there! Can't you just sell it to me?

Me: I can sell you the whole box, which should probably pay for anyway, since you've ripped it open. I can't sell you one stick.

Woman: But I just need one stick!

Me: Hold on a moment. Let me call a manager.

Christine-the-Manager comes over. I politely explain the situation.

Woman, talking over me: I want to know why there's no price on this!

Christine, cutting her off: Because we don't sell single sticks of butter.

Woman: Well, it was right back there!

Christine: Okay, you took a sealed box, ripped it open and are yelling at me because I won't sell you a single stick of butter. What on earth made you think it was okay to do that?

Woman: Well, you do it with the beer!

Christine: Do you seriously not see the difference?

Woman: I don't see why you can't just sell me one stick of butter! It's not fair!

Christine: Life is hard.

Woman flounces off.

nostalgia, srq

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