I can't swear that my hand isn't on his ass, because I don't really remember for sure and he's tall enough that it could be. I'm assuming it's not, only because he didn't say anything...
blackcolorliner, and I had the M&G from the fanclub. We all stood around in the box office area waiting for Neil to come get us. It was a bit warm... When Neil came in, he leaned on the wall next to
blackcolorliner, who I thought we were going to have to stand on to keep from saying "HI NEIL!!!! :D"
After Neil checked us off his list, a security guard gave us our passes. We made our way backstage, to an empty hallway, and lined up. We were towards the beginning of the line, and I was last of the three of us. Security kept us there, and kept calling Adam "The Artist". It made us laugh...
Anyway, in comes Adam, and he's somewhere in the process of being concert ready, but before the glitter. SO PRETTY IN PERSON. <3__<3 He chatted with Neil, almost like they were finishing a conversation from earlier, mentioned that Neil's hair looked good. IDEK. Then he said hi to all of us and made a joke about the lovely setting, including the garbage can (He did a little pose with it. ILH. He is a giant dork. <3) next to him. It was moved right away, but not before him saying we could just throw some glitter on it for the occasion.
The girls in front of us went, and then
happy_1225 and
blackcolorliner went up to meet him. And then it was my turn. :D I was calm, not shaking, and not nervous. I was just really excited about the entire thing. :) I walk up and say hi, and he tells me he likes my feather hairpiece. (I know he probably always says something like that, but I love my feathers too, so I was very FLAIL! YAY!) We chatted for a couple minutes, and then he put his arm around me, kinda tugged me in a bit for the photo, and we looked up to find that Neil had wandered to chat with some people. (Neil takes the photos...) So there we stand, arms around each other, looking expectantly towards Neil. I glanced at Adam and said "I think he got distracted. I have a younger sister, I understand." Adam laughed a little, and then barked out "NEIL!"
Neil jumped, glanced over, realized what was going on, and came to take our picture. (Which I am thrilled about because I don't look as dopey as I could have. LOL!) I thanked Adam, and asked him to sign my cd booklet for me.
I took this picture later on at the barricades, and included the VIP pass.
On the way out we were handed the poster and tshirt that came with the M&G.
We went to find our seats, and then went to get drinks and the rest of the merchandise we wanted. We were a little late for Allison's set, but we didn't miss much. She is amazing live, and if you ever get the chance you should go see her.
The merchandise I bought in NOLA. I plan to someday have a shadowbox of some sort to keep all the mementos I've collected from this tour, including photos of friends and the different places we visited.
After an epic dance party during the intermission, which happens at just about every Adam concert, Adam came out. He was on fire, and so excited to perform in the city that inspired the entire tour. Of all the shows I've been to this tour, this one had the most energy. I danced my ass off for three hours, and had so much fun seeing one last show with
happy_1225 and
blackcolorliner. (I think they were laughing at me at times, because I was dancing the ENTIRE time... I am not the best dancer... I have never cared. :D)
I'll insert concert photos later, after I collect them. All I had with me was my phone, but for my own keeping I created a playlist on Youtube. If you haven't seen Adam live, I highly recommend fixing that.
After the show I met up with
bentrumors, and we waited at the barricades for Adam and the band to come out. It was a clusterfuck of people, but I didn't need to push forward to have Adam sign anything. After his bus left with him and the dancers most of the crowd left. We continued waiting, and we were very successful. First Tommy came up to the fence, and I was able to slip my booklet and sharpie through. People were asking rude questions, so he didn't stay for long. (I later found out he was a smart boy and slipped out the front, heading to the bars and clubs of New Orleans.) Then Monte and LP came out, but Tommy had stolen my silver sharpie.
bentrumors marched up to the fence and had security get it back from him. :P The first thing I said to her? "Ewwww. It's sweaty and sticky." #ohhhRacheal
So Monte and LP were hanging out with the fans, and I had them both sign my booklet. LP is a special snowflake and signed the back, so I later asked him to sign the front too. He then went back in to get drumsticks, and he signed one for me. While we were standing around chatting, my friends Shira and Janet called. They had decided to head out to a party instead of waiting at the barricades. (I know them through Cassidy, and apparently Janet knows Monte.) Janet asked to speak to Monte, so I went over, told him who was on the phone, and he chatted with her for a few minutes. (I may never get all the stage makeup off my phone. It's like glue.) Then Liz (Allison's bass player) came out. She is the sweetest little thing. She gave hugs and chatted forever. She went back in to get picks to pass out, and I had her sign one for me.
CD jacket signatures: Top left, Adam | Top right, Longineu | Bottom left, Monte | Bottom right, Tommy
bentrumors and I were among the last 4 to leave the area. I had so much fun meeting her, and since we were staying at the same hotel we walked back together. All in all it was a great night. One I definitely won't forget.