Daily Twitter Roundup

Jul 13, 2010 23:55

  • 08:44 Congratulations go out to @cassidyhaley. His wonderful album The Fool is out today, and I'm so proud to be part of his team. #
  • 09:36 @ happy_xmas I emailed you. :) #
  • 09:42 @ happy_xmas I did, but I still think it's the right thing to do. #
  • 09:46 @ happy_xmas Ok. Let me know what you think. I think it's good, but I'm hoping you'll see anything I missed/need to change. #
  • 09:47 @ bring_glam_back Sure. Send it my way. It might be late tonight, but I promise to get it done for tomorrow. :) #
  • 09:48 @ bring_glam_back WHAT? LMAO. Bowling, again? I hope everyone goes this time. #
  • 10:24 @ ledena I just linked one of the beginning of Fever in TLL. There's a great pic of the ear kiss too. #
  • 10:55 @ happy_xmas That's fine. I was going to do it, but all I've seen posted was the Fever vid/pic that just got posted in TLL. #
  • 11:07 @ badgercentral He had a billboard? *FLAIL* #
  • 11:19 @ happy_xmas RT ‘Idol’s’ Adam Lambert to play King Center | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY goo.gl/9J51 #
  • 11:25 @ happy_xmas I knew you were signed into bc, so I wanted to make sure you got the news right away. :) #
  • 11:27 @ happy_xmas I already looked. LOL! #
  • 11:48 Is this a new show as well? 9/5 - Peoria, IL - Peoria Civic Center Theater #
  • 11:59 Nachos for breakfast/lunch. Mmmmmmmmmm. #
  • 12:07 Somewhere @christig428 is flailing about @thedavidcook's last tweet. #
  • 12:12 @ bring_glam_back Why are you ~not crying? #
  • 12:18 @ adamaddict_RH It healed really well. Still a little bruised, but the scar is thin & completely straight. I'm impressed with our gluing job. #
  • 12:22 @ catnipandhoney Ouch! :( That stings like a motherfu*** (please note, this is not enough *s) #
  • 12:22 @ cassidyhaley YAY! How excited are you, scale of 1-10? :D #
  • 12:23 @ adamaddict_RH I'll post another picture once the bruising is completely gone. #
  • 12:24 @ aligningstars Did you get it yet? I know you were excited. :) #
  • 12:26 @ adamaddict_RH I didn't take any pics before the glue. We should have, but I was busy not panicking. That would have been a good side x side #
  • 12:28 @ linernoire I can't find work, and the jury is out on me ever being a responsible adult. I plan to win the lottery & we'll all be kept women #
  • 12:30 @ cassidyhaley I LOVE THIS TWEET. LMAO! This right here is why you are my favorite. Somewhere @christig428 is crying/laughing in her beer. #
  • 12:35 @ ledena LOL! Perfect response. #
  • 12:43 @ yrnotabadger We have joked about this many times. LOL! #
  • 12:57 @ happy_xmas Does this work on her? #
  • 13:00 @ happy_xmas Oh one of those kid harnesses! She'd have a very :| look on her face. #
  • 13:03 @ happy_xmas We could always bedazzle it ourselves. #
  • 13:34 @ linernoire You spoil my fun. I was already looking for the hot glue gun and the glitter. #
  • 13:55 My doctor is making me go in before he'll order bloodwork. Lets say it how it is, he wants to charge my insurance and get my copay twice >:( #
  • 13:56 @ happy_xmas LOL! You actually looked it up. It needs eyeliner and some glitter, but other than that, PERFECT. #
  • 14:03 So my appointment is Friday at 10am. Good times. He'll tell me he needs blood work to go from here, and I'll refrain from flipping him off. #
  • 14:08 @ happy_xmas I bet she HMPHs us both. I'm waiting for it as I type this. :P #
  • 14:12 @ DespiteMyself7 I was thinking about you the other day. I'm glad you had a good trip. *hugs* #
  • 14:13 Ok, shower time and then more laundry. I'm STILL doing laundry if anyone was wondering. #
  • 14:48 @ christig428 You know you love me. Having fun with your guests? #
  • 14:48 @ DespiteMyself7 I'm so glad it was a good experience. You needed it. <3 #
  • 15:21 @ cassidyhaley ICU, stalker. :P #
  • 15:26 @ cassidyhaley I'm not surprised by this, but confirmation makes everything more real. I am an inappropriate tweeter, sorry for your eyes. :P #
  • 15:27 I should get dressed, but there's something satisfying about sitting around naked after a shower. #
  • 15:27 @ DespiteMyself7 huh. At least there were extras? #
  • 15:29 Going to have ice cream with a friend I haven't seen in months. :) #
  • 17:54 @ DespiteMyself7 *facepalm* Typing fail. That was supposed to say: At least there WEREN'T extras. #
  • 18:26 @ CassidyHaley These confessions (oversharing really LOL!) are definitely keeping people talking today. I like your promotional style. #
  • 19:18 @ QuinnAIT Are you going to the shows with anyone? They could get one and you get the other or something. #
  • 19:30 @ QuinnAIT When is the sale? I'm sure we can find someone that can help you. I'd offer, but I doubt I could cover the cost right now. #
  • 19:36 @ QuinnAIT Oh good. Now you don't have to worry. :) #
  • 20:26 @ OutlandoGirl I swear that's one of the requirements. #
  • 20:57 My pen died. :( #
  • 21:38 @ cassidyhaley Confession back, I have had the same fantasy for YEARS. I don't know when it started, but it lingers in the back of my mind. #
  • 21:42 @ cassidyhaley I hope you are prepared for lots of fun times in the ustream chat tonight after all these confessions. #
  • 22:16 @ OutlandoGirl And door to door Mormon boys. :) #
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