Me 2003 vs. Me 2008

Mar 14, 2008 04:00


Weight: 138 lbs
Height: 5'11'
Eyes: brown and white
Hair: dark brown
Favorite Color: red
Tattoos: none
Teeth: sharp and rotten
Last Book Read: Secrets of the Flesh: A biography of Colette
Last Record Bought: the Walkmen EP
Pets: none
Siblings: 2
Exercise: Sometimes i "hop around for a while" or do yoga
Cigarettes: not any more
Tired of: being boring, fat, and lazy
Obsessions:, GIF animation, crossword puzzles, and jealousy
Favorite Drink: Rum n' coke
Favorite shot: whiskey, ouzo, or a nutty irishman
Currently Seeking: some money, Sissy Spacek, and a new car
Thank You: Lester Bangs, Sarah, and Fugazi


Weight: 165 lbs?
Height: 5'11'
Eyes: brown and white
Hair: brown w/ highlights
Favorite Color: red
Tattoos: none
Teeth: sharp and rotten and yellow
Last Book Read: Alien Rock: the Rock n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection AND Sound of the Beast: the Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal.
Last Record Bought: Arular by M.I.A. and Jesu’s Lifeline E.P.
Pets: none
Siblings: 2
Exercise: Not so much, but I want to go rock climbing with a friend
Cigarettes: hells yeah, pack a day
Tired of: poor, lazy, and obsessive thoughts
Obsessions: beer, metal, and men
Favorite Drink: Guinness from the tap
Favorite shot: Jameson
Currently Seeking: free money and peeps marshmallow candy!
Thank You: Rupert Mucdoch for

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