Oven works and FOOD!

Jan 24, 2010 01:35

“君がいるこの胸の楽園” - Onosaka Masaya

Joey went with me to Gome today to get my oven’s missing parts, and she got so excited about making a pizza that we ended up going to an actual supermarket (omg, there’s one near me, I am SO FUCKING HAPPY) to shop for ingredients for dinner and pizza. I invited her mom to come over too because she’s been so gracious to me!! Joey helped me with cooking and tidying up while cooking, and I managed to make noodles, my curry dish that everyone seems to like here, and vegetables. I was so happy that her mom likes it, and Joey specifically requested for the curry too heehee. I’m so proud! But the best part didn’t come until we made pizza after dinner. Following the recipe here, and with her mother’s expert hand at kneading dough, we made yummy pizza with my now functional toaster oven, and it was apparently good enough that each of us ate two slices even though we were full from dinner! EEE!!! I’m so happy, it was yummy!!! I made the sauce from scratch, well almost entirely, the meat bit was from a can instead of market because I used all the fresh meat for my curry. Yum though, YUM!!! I’m looking forward to making more and more pizza! But first, must buy my parmesan cheese to make mochi bread. Oh and. I forgot. To buy foil. Oops. Will do that next time I go to a store.

Since we were all overly enthusiastic to start eating the pizza, I totally forgot to take a picture before we started polishing it off, thus the following picture has only three slices left. ^_^;;;

I started noticing that LiveJournal is slowly becoming blocked in this country. This. Really. Blows.
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